Labels:bulletin board | daily | door | earth | fence | newspaper | rotogravure | sky | windowpane OCR: Transmission of the of Buddhism. Now Zen Ch'an (Zen) and transmitted if, sO that 11 was concerned with the fourth type received by Hui Neng, who propagated to his transmission with the transmission of the forty-three disciples Eventually. what we living spirit Buddhism. This made possible know Zen was borm Zen derives its contents spiritual communication between master from the Great Masters and "their mainly oral and disciple The other levels t transmis sion traditions avoids theorizing anc te extual may be important, but only as means to the analy sis and favours the extremely direct and ultimate end experiencing Enlightenment The very personal approach: the ongoing interaction trans cendental experience of Enlightenment between mCs sters and disciples present past th at which meant to b ...